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Dear Cloister:


The development of the Equality Plan in the center, as you already know, is the responsibility of the entire educational community. It is essential to work as a team, since the Equality Plan, as an educational project, is the responsibility of the entire Cloister, which must participate in its design and implementation. Hence, I invite you, as the person responsible for it, to participate in it. Your actions are essential for its implementation and configuration in our center.


From this perspective, I feel like a participant and agent of this Equality and Coeducation Plan, and that this year I will  coordinate in our center, having, in addition, as a challenge the application  in our classrooms  of the  II Plan  Gender Equality Strategy  our autonomous community.  THIS IS WHY I ENCOURAGE THE ENTIRE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY TO COLLABORATE IN IT.

In this way, we can one day think that we have cooperated and contributed to one of the most important changes that society needs, and that it will make a better and fairer world possible.

Thank you very much for your collaboration and support. You have me at your entire disposal for whatever you need.  

Mercedes Sánchez Vico. Responsible for the Equality Plan of the IES Al-Baytar, Arroyo de la Miel.



Although we may think that in the field of coeducation almost everything has been achieved, nothing is further from the truth. If we examine it  carefully, in some aspects, we have not only not advanced but we have regressed: we have not yet finished with many discriminations  and gender inequalities in our society. A large part of our students walk without fully knowing what an affective equivalence relationship is, interculturality also leads us, on some occasions, to interrelate with those who have not overcome prejudices and stereotypes, the news of murders  of women and minors due to gender issues continue to fill the daily press. Thus,  peace and coexistence are not possible if there is no respect for differences from a real concept  of effective equality.   We cannot conceive of education in equality without an analysis of the past to avoid the mistakes made and to be able to configure  thus with a present and a better future for men and women.

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